When I remember my life in former Yugoslavia, I have the feeling that solid waste management was at a high level at that time. The situation has deteriorated since then. Of course, things have changed: nowadays we produce much more waste, and plastic bags from the supermarkets have become an unavoidable part of the landscape […]

During our trip through Eastern Europe we also planned to visit Ukraine, so we travelled through Transnistria also called Transdniestr, a self-declared country consisting of a narrow strip of land (3500 sq km) that is situated between Moldova and Ukraine along the Dniestr river. With Russian support, Transnistria won its „independence“ during a bloody civil war […]

Although it was difficult to find out which are the main tourist attractions in Moldova, we came to the conclusion that we had to see at least three of them (apart from the capital Chisinau): Cricova, Old Orchei (Orcheiul Vechi) and Soroca. Moldovian wine is famous and so are the wineries. We decided to visit […]

During our round trip by camper through Eastern Europe this summer, we also decided to visit Moldova, which is, according to statistics, the least developed and poorest country in Europe. This visit was particularly exciting, as we could find hardly any information about the country, its roads, tourist attractions and accommodation possibilities. We only knew […]

Just back from a long trip through Eastern Europe, together with another couple, friends from the Netherlands. We have explored many unknown places in Serbia, Romania, Moldova (including Transnistria) and Ukraine. Loving nature, culture and adventure, we are not afraid of any surprises. And above all: we love freedom! That is why we travel by […]